About Us
Hampshire is a Drees neighborhood located in beautiful Union, Kentucky.
This proud community offers a full array of outdoor amenities, including a playground, a scenic lake, and a luxurious swimming pool with a playful children's water area. Relax in the rolling, wooded countryside.
Hampshire is located in the excellent Boone County school district that includes Mann, Gray, and Ryle schools. Florence shopping and easy access to I-75 are just a short drive away.
Community Features and Links
City of Union Homepage: www.cityofunionky.org
Boone County Homepage: www.boonecountyky.org
Shopping: www.florencemall.com, www.kroger.com
Boone County Public Library: www.bcpl.org
Big Bone Lick State Park and Museum: www.parks.ky.gov/parks/historicsites/big-bone-lick/
Boone County Central Park and Arboretum: www.bcarboretum.org, www.boonecountyky.org
Award Winning Schools
Mann Elementary School: https://www.boone.kyschools.us/18/Home
Gray Middle School: www.gms.boone.kyschools.us
Ryle High School: www.ryle.boone.k12.ky.us
Electric, Gas Service, and Neighborhood Street Lights
Duke Energy: www.duke-energy.com
Street Light Repair: www.duke-energy.com/customer-service/request-light-repair
Phone/Cable TV/Internet Services
Altafiber: www.altafiber.com
Spectrum: www.spectrum.com
Trash Removal/Recycling
Rumpke (Trash Service Provided Through City of Union): www.rumpke.com
Recycling is provided through Rumpke so visit their webpage to contact them and request a recycling bin!
Drop Off Recycling Boone County: www.boonecountyky.org/departments/solid_waste/everyday_recyclables.aspx